Tips to choosing the right facial

Tips to choosing the right facial

Balancing work life and kids is an arduous job. Stress and workload often take a toll on your skin. From polluting traffic to the scorching sun…. all these can deprive it from nourishment, making it look dull.  So, therefore, taking care of your skin becomes imperative so as to maintain its natural glow and sheen. Facial treatments can help you with that. However, prior to booking an appointment with a local salon, here is something you need to know to choose the right facial treatment.

Oily skin

No doubt, oil produced by your body keeps you skin healthy, but too much is bad for it. However, if you have oily texture, you need a deep cleansing facial that increases the flow of oxygen to your skin. You can choose for masks and clays so as to extract all the oil from it. The procedure also cleanses pores to get your radiant glow.

Dry and chapped skin

Dry texture can dehydrate your body. So, therefore, the dermatologist advises you to avoid soap-free products. To keep your skin hydrated, use the moisturizer that is rich in Ceramide and Glycerin as it helps you draw water to it. You can opt for Shea butter masks for the softness you lack.

Tired skin

Working endlessly on the computer may make your face look dull and tired. For this, exfoliation is the best method. It can extract deal cells from the skin reviving it smoothness. You can opt for facial packs that have coconut milk, saffron, banana and honey can bring back your complexion.

Sensitive skin

Those who have sensitive texture, avoid using product heavy facials. Instead, opt for a calming mask. It will stimulate your blood flow and soothe it.

However, no doubt, these facials can bring back your radiant skin, but apart from them there are many other things you need to do to keep it healthy.

  • Make sure you keep yourself well hydrated. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Eat a balanced diet fortified with green vegetables and fruits.
  • Sleep well at least for 6-8 hours a day.
  • Exercise your facial muscles often.

And last but most important smile a lot as a single smile can do wonders for your skin.

Suede Salon is a Sacramento-based professional salon. We offer the best range of facial treatments. Call us for additional details on our packages or submit your queries online.

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