Taking care of your hair- tips from experts

Taking care of your hair- tips from experts

Your hair can truly transform your looks. If styled properly and cut, they can even make an ordinary person look like a star. A new style gives you complete makeover. So, therefore, it is important for you to take care of your tresses well and always go to professionals to learn how to care of them.

Here are a few tips from the experts:

Choose a professional stylist

First and most importantly, go to a professional stylist. Take their opinion on cut, style and maintenance.  They will take into account your facial features, skin tone and texture of the tresses, and then come up with a style or a cut that will suit you the best. However, no doubt an expert charge between $40 to $100 for the services, but their recommendation and tips are worth paying for.

Smoking is injurious to not only for your skin, but also locks

It may sound a bit awkward, but smoking has been proven to seriously dry out and age your skin and scalp both. Smoking is harmful for your hair as well. It can cause dandruff, hair loss due to weak hair follicles and dries out and damages your locks completely.

Heavy smokers may find their tresses turning yellowish. However, if you cannot leave smoke, make sure you use a good anti-dandruff shampoo and wash your locks with it thrice a week. Do not forget to use a conditioner after every wash.  Do not use conditioners with alcohol as an ingredient as it damages them beyond repair.

The need of spa treatments

Spas are not only an option for great skin care, but also for hair.  The salons usually have access to latest hair care products ranging from natural botanical products, washes, cleansers and hydrating conditioners.  These high quality products can do wonders on your tresses.  So make sure you pamper them like this once a month.

Take proper diet

A diet deficient in vitamins, minerals and proteins weak hair follicles and promote thinner and dry locks. So, therefore, it is essential to have a well balanced diet so that your tresses remain healthy. Take a multivitamin daily. Make sure you drink plenty of water as lack of hydration does not affect your skin but also hair.

For more tips on your hair care, get in touch with Suede Salon. We offer hair treatments, spa facilities and skin care regimes. Call us to book an appointment.

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